Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We, at Trinity Church, put a large emphasis on Jesus’ command to “go therefore into the world, making disciples of all nations.” Jesus also said that “when the good news of the kingdom is preached in all the world, then the end will come.” On a mission trip over 30 years ago, our founding pastor felt the Holy Spirit tell him, “you have seen the mission field and now you are accountable.” Continuing in that tradition, we are currently involved on four continents, in eight nations; ministering to 1000’s yearly. We also have a large footprint in the local community through supporting a feeding program, addiction ministries, and crisis pregnancy center. Our mission’s goal is to support local missionaries in their ministries with the resources they need to accomplish the vision God has given them. Please join us with a heart not just for what is under our roof, but in every corner of the world.

Active Missionaries
one for Israel
Hope movement
teen challenge
Change point
Ntinda medical clinic
Afrika wa yesu
Amistad church
Keith wheeler ministries, inc
We ask that you continue to pray for our missionaries who make daily sacrifices in order for the Gospel to go forth.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip
Stay on the lookout for more details
about upcoming Mission Trips coming soon
about upcoming Mission Trips coming soon